Saturday, April 24, 2010

The PR deathbed without digital

A friend shared with me over lunch today that a well-known local PR house is about to close down after 10-15 years of establishment. In their good old days they managed major mncs and they were in big demand so much so that they probably won't get out of bed if the account is not worth half-a-million! Today, the founders are well into their 50s. Old school thinking, laid-back and too tired to learn new tricks to stay relevant. One of them was quoted saying "digital media is too hard!". So gone too were the major accounts and they are losing money every day.

For those practitioners - be it in corporations or agencies, if you are still betting on press releases, media conferences and 1-1 interview pitching to make news... you will face the same fate as this PR house. Multi-channel PR is the way to go with the advent of the social web. Innovate to create more value-add or you will find yourself at your very own PR deathbed.

Lili Koh
7Skies Communication


  1. Even Hokkien Ah Pek companies like Hong Leong, Ya Kun, etc., are adapting to the times. As these Ah Peks who are competing successfully with the MNCs, would tell you, "Die die must fight on. If the angmohs go for high tech, we go for higher tech!"

  2. Really the dirty old men are socially savvy too? haha..! What did Ya Kun do?
